
Stories of Richard S. Beyer's Life and His Sculpture
By Margaret W. Beyer & Forward by Fred Bassetti
1999, Washington State University Press
This is a wonderful book that will elaborate on much of what is in this website. Margaret Beyer was Rich’s wife of 56 years and his helpmate in his sculpture business, with an intimate knowledge of both his philosophy and his techniques. Her writing style is lively and engaging, and the book contains well over 100 photos of Rich’s art work. The forward by Fred Bassetti, friend and architect, is worth reading. He concludes: “Richard Beyer is the Aesop of our time. No other artist that I know of has been more incisive in cutting to the quick, and illuminating the slant truths that hide from the rest of us.”
Paper-back copies for $22.95 are available from WSU Press, PO Box 645910, Pullman, WA 99164-5910. To order phone 800-354-7360, or on line at: WSU Press

By Richard S. Beyer and Jerome Hellmuth
1977, Madrona Publications, Seattle
An unique little paper book with 20 wood block prints by Richard S. Beyer. The text, by Jerome Hellmuth, uses quotations from writings in the 1600s in America, telling of the struggles that colonial settlers had with wolves. “Here the sheep are subject to the wolf who is a great obstacle to their multiplication.”
Copies are still available upon request to:

Story by Peter J. Vogt & Illustrated by Richard S. Beyer
A private publication, out of print
This little book tells Vogt’s interpretation of four native tales about the Coyote. These and other coyote stories fueled Richard S. Beyer’s imagination and came “alive” in several of his major sculptures.
"Coyote Makes the Methow River"
"Coyote Brings Salmon to the Methow"
"Coyote Meets the White Guy"
"Despite What Thomas Wolf Says, Coyote Goes Home Again"

Story and Illustrations by Richard S. Beyer as told by Robin Doggett
(not a children’s tale) 2005, Private publication
Here is another little paper book, illustrated with drawings by Richard S. Beyer. Reynard the Fox is a story from the German middle-ages and later developed by Johann Goethe in the 1700s. Rich first depicted this story in the carved brick bas-relief entrance wall of the Bellevue Washington Library in 1996. Rich had pondered, “The battle against power, corruption, and greed continues while we continually ask, why is it so?"
Inquiries may be directed to Robin Doggett, PO Box 1174, Twisp, WA 98856